
bcc homes

Experience the relaxing atmosphere of BCC HOMES at Damilag, Manolo Fortich Bukidnon..

Fronting Damilag Elem school, beside Shell, walking distance to Damilag church and new Damilag Market.


BCC Homes Subdivision Map
BCC Homes Subdivision Map



BCC Estimated/Sample Price Computations
BCC Estimated/Sample Price Computations


Single Detached:
Floor Area: 42sqm, Lot Area: 120sqm

single attached



Single Attached:
Floor Area: 36sqm, Lot Area: 80sqm

single attached 2.jpg



Floor Area: 28sqm, Lot Area: 60sqm



Row House:
Corner: Floor Area: 24sqm, Lot Area: above 40sqm
Inner: Floor Area: 24sqm, Lot Area: 40sqm

row house

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